Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy COJ Trading Company
Version: 0.3
This page has been edited at June 4th2018
As a visitor of this website or a client of COJ Trading Company you trust us to respect your privacy. We feel we have the responsibility to do everything in our power to protect your privacy. In our privacy policy document we describe what we do to make sure your personal details are kept safe.
This privacy policy is applicable to the services of COJ Trading Company. We are not responsible for the privacy policy of other sources or websites. By using this website you agree to accept our latest privacy policy.
To process your order, we require certain personal details. Since we work with partners* to process your order, these partners will also receive your personal details. We emphasize that we carefully and securely process your data. Moreover we will only use your personal details to perform actions you have agreed to. If you wish to view, alter and / or remove your personal details from our files, we will do that upon written request.
COJ Trading Company respects the privacy of all its users and will make sure the personal details we receive will be kept safe, secure and confidential.
Which personal details do we collect?
For processing orders:
  • Surname
  • Last name
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • City of residence
  • E-mail address
  • Phone number and / or mobile phone number
  • Order history
  • Clothing size
  • In some cases: your bank account number
  • Other personal details you actively give to us in correspondence by for example phone or e-mail
Using our website(s):
  • IP-address
  • Details about your use of our website(s)
  • Type of internet browser and device
  • Session time
  • Location details
Newsletter/commercial messages:
Our clients receive commercial messages and newsletters automatically. It is very easy to opt out of these services.
Use of the collected personal details
Use of our services
When you place an order or if you subscribe for one of our services, we require you to give us personal details. We use your personal details to carry out our services. We store personal details on our secured servers or secure servers hosted by third parties.
When you send us e-mails or other types of messages we may save these messages. We might ask for personal details relevant to the situation to help us to answer your questions or answer to your requests. We store personal details on our secured servers or secure servers hosted by third parties.
We collect data for (scientific) research or to gain a better insight in consumer behavior.
We make use of cookies (text files placed on your computer) on our website(s). We use cookies to analyze the way consumers use our website(s). The information from a cookie can be stored on our secure servers or secure servers of third parties. We use the information to track your use of our website, to retrieve reports on website activity or to offer other services with regard to website activity and internet usage.
You can easily remove cookies from your computer after your visit. More information on cookies and removing cookies:
Other uses
We do not collect or use information for other purposes than described in this privacy policy unless we have explicitly asked for your permission beforehand. Only if you grant us your permission, we will use the information.
Internal use
In some cases we share information between colleagues. Our employees are obligated to respect the confidential nature of your personal details.
Use by third parties
COJ Trading Company uses external contract parties to process personal details in its name. We only work with professional partners that have very high standards when it comes to privacy.  Do you have questions or doubts with regard to processing of your personal details by third parties? Please contact us to gain insight in the way we have processed your personal details.
Control of your personal details
View, change or remove personal details
We offer all visitors the possibility to view, change or remove personal details provided to us upon request.
Change or opt-out newsletter
When you have placed an order or if you have registered for our newsletter, we may send you commercial messages. You always have the possibility to change your personal details or to opt-out of the service.
Change or remove personal details
If you wish to change your personal details or if you wish to remove your personal details from our databases, please contact us.
Term we keep data on record
COJ Trading Company keeps your personal details in its databases for at least 48 months after your latest action on our website. We make it easy to place repeat orders.
Other information concerning our privacy policy
We have formulated our privacy policy based on the current use of personal details. Any changes in website technology or processes may lead to changes to our privacy policy. We advise you to check the privacy policy regularly.
Questions and feedback
We check on a regular basis if we act in line with our privacy policy. If you have questions or remarks with regard to our privacy policy, please contact us:
COJ Trading Company
The Netherlands